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Rockin' Shabbat Resumes!

10/31/2022 09:14:37 AM


Cantor Barbara Powell

After a long COVID enforced break, Rockin’ Shabbat, the live music Kabbalat Shabbat service returns starting on Friday, November 4, 2022. Save these other dates in your calendar, too: December 9, February 3, March 3, and May 5.

Rockin’ Shabbat started many years ago. When I came to CBJ in 2006, it was well-established. Its continuing evolution has been built with the dedication and love of our members. Musicians brought the music, and the former Rockin’ Shabbat Committee volunteers reached out to their friends to attend, arranged lovely Shabbat dinners, decorated the Social Hall with flowers, and created a joyful and friendly atmosphere. 

In its current form, the band has been rehearsing the Rockin’ Kabbalat Shabbat set list. I would like to acknowledge Allen Capeloto, on guitar, and Rob Saltzman on saxophone. Marty Bronk will share the Tefillah leading duties with me.

As we sing through the psalms of Kabbalat Shabbat using a mix of old and new music, some new tunes will highlight particular verses in a Psalm, lifting up themes such as creation, awe, joy and majesty. Pioneered by groups such as the sacred music band Nava Tehila, of Jerusalem, these melodies are easy to learn, yet they help me to connect to the texts deeply, drawing out the sense of holiness. As for familiar music, it’ll be like being back with a good friend, engaged in a sweet musical conversation.

So, I invite you to come to this next season of Rockin’ Shabbat with curiosity and openness. Some of the catchy new tunes could become new-old favorites by the time this season ends in May. 

Following the service we are sharing an Oneg, where, in addition to kiddush and motzi, we’ll enjoy sweet nibbles to enhance the joy (also known as the “Oneg”) of Shabbat.

In resuming Rockin’ Shabbat, we cannot recreate the past, but together we can bring light, joy and music to the present and the future. Thank you to everyone who has played a role in making Rockin’ Shabbat so special over the years. I hope to see you on November 4 as we build on this legacy.

Sat, October 5 2024 3 Tishrei 5785