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Help Afghan Refugees via Jewish Family Services of Silicon Valley

10/29/2021 10:16:49 AM


The historical persecution of Jews in many countries gives us a special connection, and a special obligation, to refugee populations.   

Jewish Family Services of Silicon Valley (JFS SV) is one of two refugee resettlement agencies in Santa Clara County that are welcoming Afghan refugees evacuated by the United States. Here are 5 ways you can help with our campaign to support the work of JFS SV:

1) Purchase gift cards from Target, Trader Joe’s, or Safeway (in $25 or other increments) and drop them in the box in the CBJ office before November 19. 

2) Donate via the CBJ Social Action (Tikkun Olam) fund before November 19 and we’ll buy the gift cards for you. In the notes, write “Afghan Refugees.” Please consider adding 2.5% to cover administrative fees.

JFS SV recently resettled an Afghan family of three. The family arrived with only their clothes and a few personal items. The family is now settling into a donated apartment, enrolling in school and working with our staff to obtain their first jobs in America.

3) Donate directly to JFS SV’s Ruth Perkins Emergency Fund at any time.

Fattanah and Gita are refugee women from Afghanistan who arrived a year and a half ago. They had never worked outside their homes. Both enrolled in JFS SV’s vocational English class. Fattanah’s positive attitude and expert cooking skills helped her get her first job ever in a Safeway bakery department. Gita took a job as a daycare worker with preschoolers. Fattanah was promoted to assistant manager, and Gita hopes to open her own family day care.

4) If you own an unoccupied apartment, house or ADU that you can rent below market rate to JFS SV’s refugee clients, or if you can provide other housing assistance, please contact JFS SV’s Refugee Resettlement Housing Coordinator.

Recently a woman called JFS in response to our plea for temporary and permanent housing. She told us: “I am a widow, I’m lonely and I need a purpose. I have a big home and I’d like to offer rooms to refugees." We needed a home for a family of five - a mom with four children. A match was made. The living situation has worked out so well and been such a positive experience that our host offered to house the family through June 2022!

5) Write notes of appreciation to JFS SV staff and drop them in the box in the CBJ office before November 19. Refugee services staff are now working weekends and nights (and holidays) to greet refugees at the airport, conduct home visits and take them to their appointments.

 “When I saw the sign that said Refugees Welcomed Here in front of the Jewish Family Services office, I felt good and safe.” – Mr. A.A. from Afghanistan

The 4th and 5th graders in our Religious School have already sent notes of welcome to arriving families via JFCS East Bay. Here are some of their messages:

We are also mindful of the needs of migrants and asylum-seekers from other countries, and particularly Haiti. The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) has partnered with the Haitian Bridge Alliance to support Haitians in need. We also encourage CBJ members to learn about, and donate to, these organizations.

Please join us in supporting Afghan refugees in our community and the important work of JFC SV

Thank you in advance for your generosity,

Hadas Almagor
Lisa Antillón
Linda Leeb
Chimène Keitner
Linda Softley
Sat, October 5 2024 3 Tishrei 5785