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Creating a Culture of Belonging

12/30/2022 09:01:28 AM


Tami Raubvogel, President

I recently went to a workshop called The Culture of Belonging, offered by the Jewish Federation. The facilitator shared a framework designed specifically around belonging which, she said, could transform Jewish organizations and communities. She explained that having a Culture of Belonging ensures that everyone in a group or organization feels seen, valued, and part of something bigger. She clarified that belonging does not happen by chance;...Read more...

Responding to Antisemitism

12/30/2022 08:59:43 AM


Rabbi Ezray

As 2022 comes to an end and we reflect on the upcoming year, people are sharing that they feel a deep sense of vulnerability; be it ongoing coping with coronavirus/flu, economic uncertainty, rising antisemitism; life feels uncomfortable and uncertain. None of these situations lend themselves to simple or easy solutions. In fact, the most important response may be to come together and share our thoughts and feelings, and to know that Judaism...Read more...

VaYeshev: Gratitude and Acknowledgment

12/22/2022 11:28:17 AM


Rabbi Ilana Goldhaber-Gordon

Before I begin, I would like to acknowledge that some of the core ideas for this sermon come from a podcast by Rabbi Elie Kaufner or Hadar Institute.

I made a little mistake last week with our younger Religious School students.

Every week, I tell them a story while they eat their snacks. Usually - not always - the story of the Torah portion. This past week, in addition to the usual crackers and cheese sticks, I had a bowl of...Read more...

Lech Lechah: To Be Blessed

12/22/2022 09:47:12 AM


Rabbi Ilana Goldhaber-Gordon

What does it take, to be able to step out into the unknown, and go forward with faith that somehow everything will work out ok?

Cantor Barbara shared with our staff this week that many years ago, she was going through a very tough time in her life, and she asked her rabbi for guidance. He told her to remember Lech Lechah - God's command to Abraham. Leave your home and everything you know, and go to some unknown...Read more...

Chayei Sarah: Finding Resilience

11/28/2022 03:27:34 PM


Rabbi Ezray

          I try to take a moment and reflect on the week as Shabbat approaches. I often find myself holding onto contrasting emotions. Part of me is so happy for Blair and her family and celebrates some wonderful celebrations in my family. At the same time, the ongoing litany of antisemitic episodes, polarized politics here and in Israel, and sad losses like the one experienced in our community...Read more...

Vayera: Revisiting Sinai and Environmental Obligation

11/28/2022 03:26:00 PM


Rabbi Ezray

I spent my Junior Year of college in Israel at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. During that year something significant occurred: Israel returned the entire Sinai Peninsula to Egypt as part of a peace treaty. I witnessed what must be sacrificed for potential peace. It meant dismantling settlements amidst opposition, leaving a place that had important strategic value, a place where oil had...Read more...

A Note From Our Leadership

11/17/2022 04:31:38 PM


Tami Raubvogel, President

This is an exciting time at CBJ. From the outside looking in you may be wondering how our organization is managing with all of these changes. We are hiring a new Executive Director. The Director of Engagement has left her position. Our Ritual Director, Bill, is on sabbatical for nine months. 

These are big transitions. As we focus on the important work of CBJ, providing meaningful and spiritual opportunities for all members...Read more...

Noach: The Blessing of Uncertainty

11/07/2022 10:37:35 AM


Rabbi Ezray

These High Holidays our congregants Amy and Harold Keer were in London and attended the New London synagogue. Amy shared with me that the Rabbi, Jeremy Gordon gave a beautiful Kol Nidre sermon that echoes many of the themes I speak about. I read the sermon and loved it; my sermon today weaves in some of his sermon with my thoughts and today’s Torah portion, Noach. 

Rabbi Gordon began with a poem by the famous contemporary...Read more...

CBJ Religious School is Thriving!

11/01/2022 09:52:16 AM


Rabbi Ilana Goldhaber-Gordon

CBJ Religious School lives our community’s values. Every student is welcomed and accepted as they are, whatever their challenges, and every student is encouraged to grow to be more. To care more. To love more. To question and think more.

I am especially excited about our new Vav program this year, aimed primarily at sixth graders. Students are engaging in “Service Learning," participating in a different mitzvah each week. Their...Read more...

On Thanksgiving

10/31/2022 09:32:12 AM


Rabbi Ezray

I love Thanksgiving!

Yes, a piece of that response is the food; mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, pie, my mother in law’s sweet potato casserole with pecans on top; all my favorites. I also love the Macy’s parade and the loud cacophony of different conversations and generations coming together around the table. 

The holiday resonates even more deeply in its connection with Jewish values.

Gathering together....

Lesson Learned

10/31/2022 09:30:30 AM


Tami Raubvogel, President

About a year ago I received an Apple Watch as a birthday present. I got this gift because I was often counting my steps and keeping track of my daily activity so, in theory, it was a good idea. However, I was resistant to wearing something that could monitor my every movement. Sure the technology was impressive, but I was skeptical that I really needed information like the time of the sunset or the UV index on my wrist.

More than...

Rockin' Shabbat Resumes!

10/31/2022 09:14:37 AM


Cantor Barbara Powell

After a long COVID enforced break, Rockin’ Shabbat, the live music Kabbalat Shabbat service returns starting on Friday, November 4, 2022. Save these other dates in your calendar, too: December 9, February 3, March 3, and May 5.

Rockin’ Shabbat started many years ago. When I came to CBJ in 2006, it was well-established. Its continuing evolution has been built with the dedication and love of our members. Musicians brought the music,...Read more...

Sat, October 5 2024 3 Tishrei 5785