Rabbi Ilana Shoftim - Higher Love
08/19/2021 07:38:49 AM
Here’s a truth about little children, that is sometimes hard for adults to accept. Children love the people who give to them.
As they should. Young children have so many needs – physical and emotional – and our biology has programmed us to feel love for the people who provide, whether they it’s attention, or fun, or nurturing, or food.
When I was a little girl...
Rabbi Ilana - Pinchas
08/04/2021 10:41:04 AM
Most social progress is made as two steps forward and one step back.
Our family spent two nights last month at a hotel outside Grand Canyon National Park. Our room was decorated with framed, black-and-white photos of frontier explorers at the Canyon. What amazed me about those photos were the women – they were all wearing long, voluminous skirts down to the ground. Can you imagine...Read more...
Rabbi Ezray - Korach – Turning 60
08/04/2021 10:08:49 AM
That happened to me this week when I turned sixty and decided to see what traits and qualities our tradition associates with this milestone. In Pirkei Avot, we learn that thirty is the age of koach/strength; that felt right. Forty is the age of bina/insight; that too felt right. A decade ago when I turned fifty, the...Read more...